Laser treatment for toenail fungus is now available at Our clinics.
Toenail fungus is a stubborn infection which can be unsightly, embarrassing on the toenails or fingernails. It is known as a difficult condition to treat and can last for many years
.Our laser has a new technology with fiber optic.
The treatments are aimed at the source of the infection beneath the nail plate, clearing the nail fungus within 3-5 treatment periods.
This treatment has been hailed as a breakthrough as it is fast and effective with no side effects and no pain at all, the only feeling is just a little heat in the area
Our treatment has quaranteed results with a refund
The signs and symptoms can be subtle at first, but once established, the nails can become very badly damaged:
- Discoloured white, yellow, even turning brown
- Disfigured, thickened or twisted nails
- Crumbling, flaky or brittle nails
- Scaliness under the nail
- Distorted nail, lifting off the nail bed
- Loss of nail
Toenail fungus is unlikely to get better without treatment. Once established it will generally continue to get worse and risk infecting other nails too. Traditional treatments such as medications and topical paints/creams show only limited success in curing the condition and it will often recur.
No pain no sides effects 3-5 treatments to recover
Each treatment offered now €50
Υπό την επίβλεψη της Γιατρού Ναταλί Αντωνίου Φιλίποβα Γενικού Ιατρού με ειδίκευση στην αισθητική ιατρική Αριθμός μητρώου :4783
Επίσης τα κέντρα μας διαθέτουν πτυχιούχους τετραετής αισθητικούς με ειδική εκπέδευση στα λέιζερ για ασφαλή και θεαματικά αποτελέσματα.
Also our centers have a four-year graduates beautichons qualified Training of the laser for safe and spectacular results.
Under the supervision of Doctor Natali Antoniou Filipova General Practitioner specializing in aesthetic medicine Registration number: 4783
Before and After 2-4 sessions